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Healthy Energy Policy vs. Global Warming & pollution

   Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s views on energy policy have been shaped by his long-standing environmental activism, his deep concern for the future of the planet, and his commitment to addressing climate change. He has consistently advocated for a shift toward clean, renewable energy sources and a reduction in reliance on fossil fuels, while also emphasizing the need for environmental justice.

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  Over the decades, his perspectives have evolved, influenced by growing scientific understanding, political shifts, and the development of new technologies. Below is an in-depth exploration of his views on various energy sources and how they have developed.


    In the early part of RFK Jr.’s environmental career, much of the focus was on traditional energy sources—oil, coal, and natural gas—and their harmful effects on the environment. As he saw the horrible effects their polluting side effects were having on natural areas near where he grew up his commitment to a healthier environment led him to challenge these industries head-on.



   The cost of oil is the destruction of our future. We are poisoning the atmosphere, the land, and the oceans for the sake of an addiction to an industry that has failed to evolve.             - RFK Jr.


   RFK Jr. has long been an outspoken critic of oil dependence, particularly its environmental impact, including air and water pollution, as well as its contribution to climate change. He has condemned oil drilling in environmentally sensitive areas, such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), and opposed offshore drilling initiatives.

​Environmental Costs


   He has emphasized the environmental risks and the long-term damage caused by oil extraction and transportation, citing spills like the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon disaster as examples of the disastrous consequences of oil dependence.


   As the climate crisis became more apparent, his call for divesting from fossil fuels and moving toward renewable energy sources grew stronger.


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  Coal is the dirtiest and most dangerous fuel, not only contributing to climate change but also poisoning communities with toxic air and water. 

        - RFK Jr.


   RFK Jr. has consistently criticized coal as one of the most harmful energy sources for the environment. He has highlighted the health impacts of coal pollution, including lung diseases, and the catastrophic effects of coal mining on ecosystems, particularly mountaintop removal mining.


    As a key figure in the environmental movement, he has advocated for phasing out coal and transitioning to cleaner energy sources to reduce carbon emissions and pollution.



Natural Gas


    Natural gas may be cleaner than coal, but it’s still a fossil fuel with significant environmental consequences. We need to stop relying on any form of fossil energy and move to renewables.  - RFK Jr.


   Initially, RFK Jr. was critical of natural gas, particularly hydraulic fracturing (fracking), due to concerns about groundwater contamination, air pollution, and the potential for earthquakes associated with fracking activities.


   Over time, as natural gas became seen as a bridge fuel between coal and renewables due to its lower carbon emissions, RFK Jr. softened his stance on it, acknowledging that it might play a role in the energy transition. However, he remains cautious, particularly with regard to fracking’s environmental and social impacts.


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Nuclear Power

 RFK Jr.’s early views on nuclear power were shaped by concerns over the catastrophic potential of nuclear accidents, such as the 1986 Chernobyl disaster and the 2011 Fukushima disaster. He has expressed reservations about the safety of nuclear energy and its long-term waste disposal challenges.

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Preventing a Nuclear Power Plant in Cuba

    In 1996, Kennedy met with Cuban President Fidel Castro to persuade him to abandon plans for constructing a nuclear power plant at Juraguá, citing environmental and safety concerns

    While maintaining his skepticism about nuclear energy, RFK Jr. has acknowledged its potential role in a low-carbon future, provided that newer, safer technologies are developed and deployed. His position reflects the ongoing debate within the environmental movement about whether nuclear power can be part of a clean energy mix.

     Nuclear energy presents serious dangers, including the potential for catastrophic accidents and unresolved waste disposal issues. However, as a stopgap measure to reduce carbon emissions, it’s something we may have to reconsider carefully.

      - RFK Jr.


Renewable Energy

Advocating for the Future


    RFK Jr.’s strongest advocacy has always centered on renewable energy sources that do not pose a threat to public health or the environment. His views on these sources have grown clearer and more vocal over the years.


Solar Power

​     Solar power is the future. The sun provides an endless supply of energy, and we should be harnessing it to meet our energy needs.            - RFK Jr.


Support for Solar

    RFK Jr. has been an outspoken advocate for solar energy as a clean, abundant, and renewable resource. He believes that solar power is essential for the future of energy and has encouraged substantial investment in solar technology.



    RFK Jr. has also highlighted the need for improvements in energy storage and grid infrastructure to fully realize solar energy’s potential, pointing out that intermittent power generation remains a challenge.

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​Wind Power


   RFK Jr. on Wind Power: "Wind energy is one of the most promising renewable sources we have, and with the right infrastructure and investments, it could help us transition away from fossil fuels."


    Like solar, RFK Jr. is a strong proponent of wind energy, particularly offshore wind farms, which he has called a potential game-changer for the U.S. and the world.


    Environmental Considerations: He has acknowledged the need to balance wind power development with environmental considerations, such as the impact on wildlife, particularly birds and bats.



Geothermal Energy


 "Geothermal is a stable and dependable energy source that can provide baseload power. It's an energy that works with the earth rather than against it."      

    - RFK Jr.


    RFK Jr. has supported geothermal energy as a clean, sustainable, and reliable energy source. He sees it as a largely untapped resource, especially in areas with geothermal activity.



  Geothermal energy is limited by geography, and RFK Jr. has emphasized the need to explore and develop geothermal potential in appropriate regions.




The Need for Environmental Justice


  RFK Jr. has consistently connected energy policy to issues of environmental justice, pointing out how low-income and marginalized communities often bear the brunt of pollution from fossil fuel extraction and energy production.


   "Energy policy is not just about power generation—it’s about equity. The poor and communities of color often suffer the most from environmental degradation, and they deserve a seat at the table in the transition to clean energy."    - RFK Jr.


   His focus on clean, sustainable, and just energy systems remains a central aspect of his environmental activism, ensuring that future energy solutions are equitable, sustainable, and protect both the planet and public health.

RFK Jr's Fight for Healthy Water! Riverkeeper & the Waterkeepers Alliance

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