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RFK  Jr. The  New Secretary
of  Health  and Human  Services!

   Contrary to what you're likely to hear from the mainstream media, RFK Jr. taking on the role of Secretary of HHS (Health and Human Services) would in many ways be one of the best things to come out of the recent election, and would have a beneficial effect upon the USA and the world at large that's hard to really put into perspective!


    While many of us have been conditioned to think of the term 'Secretary' as denoting a subservient and minor role, the Secretary of the HHS is a massively influential leadership position.   From well-known sub agencies such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) the CDC (Centers for Disease Control(and Prevention)) and perhaps most importantly the NIH (National Institutes of Health) to a huge number of less influential agencies and sub-agencies, the Secretary of HHS is in charge of them all!


The agency functions with a $1.7 trillion budget - much of which goes to programs like Medicare, Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act. which it also administers.

RFKJ - w Agencies of HHS--Rdcd.jpg

  Arguably the names of former recent HHS Secretaries are not well known because they didn't do much to bring about change in a system which has become increasingly corrupt and ineffective in its named role of protecting and improving human health and flourishing.  Because Bobby's been fighting against the failings and corruption of this system for decades he's uniquely prepared to make the important changes that will really turn around the collapse of America's health!


  What will Bobby do when he gets into the office of HHS Secretary?    


    While there's recently been a lot of talk around issues like removing fluoride from water systems and making unpasteurized milk a legal option; I'd argue that these are relatively quite minor issues to the overall theme of what RFK Jr. aspires to do with the health agencies.  Judging by his earlier and relatively consistent comments Bobby's core plan would essentially be to refocus those agencies from infectious disease research and concentrate them upon understanding and eliminating chronic health conditions.  


  This will of course go hand-in-hand with eliminating corruption and corporate influence from key agency positions and directing research dollars towards actual cures rather than on the largely ineffectual snark hunts of recent decades.  Of course I'd also expect he will work to repeal or reform the 1986 Vaccine act and restore some liability for damages to the vaccine industry itself; as well as direct agency funding towards at last doing legitimate safety research on vaccines - actually testing them against actual safe saline solutions instead of solutions containing as much toxic aluminum and other substances as contained in the vaccines under review. but I'm getting on my soap-box a bit carried away.  

   “I’m not against vaccines; I’m against unsafe vaccines and a regulatory system captured by the very industries it’s supposed to regulate.”


       - RFK Jr

The Coming Battle To Get Bobby Into Office

  There will be quite the battle in actually getting RFK Jr. into his appointed roll.  There's literally trillions of dollars at stake here!  I would argue that a huge percentage of this trillions of potential earnings at stake would come from the continuation and expansion of corrupt and harmful practices and big pHarma agendas.  With Bobby as HHS secretary on the other hand, new profit avenues would open up and more importantly - the true wealth, Health, would begin to be restored on the national level to a degree that not seen for 35 year or more.  And quite likely the changes RFKJ is ready and driven to make will take our nation and the world to levels of health we've never really attained before.

  And then there's the potential for his role in bringing truth and transparency back into government - and that even by itself will be truly priceless!


   But back to the main theme here - getting Bobby into office:  There's a number of requirements to get him officially appointed as HHS Secretary...

   So What Has To Happen To Get RFK Jr. Into Office

As The New Secretary of Health and Human Services?

Normally Step 1. - Getting nominated by the incoming US President - would be the most challenging step by far. And RFK Jr. has clearly crossed that hurdle with flying colors and enthusiastic endorsement from President Trump, his incoming Office and his other key allies. But in Bobby’s case he’s such a threat to so many powerful and arguably quite corrupt enterprises and individuals that they’re going to continue to do all they can to stop him from getting a substantial foothold of government power.


​Step 2 - the Senate Confirmation Process - is where very significant roadblocks are likely to be encountered. 


  With A Little Bit of Bernie’s HELP

   This process starts with Bobby’s nomination being sent to the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee. The HELP Committee is where the nominee, RFK Jr., will be given questions about his qualifications and policy positions.


Chairperson of the Senate HELP Committee, Bernie Sanders

    The Chairperson of the Senate HELP Committee is currently Bernie Sanders, (as of 2024). and happily in a recent CBS News interview Sanders supported Kennedy’s perspective on the food industry, saying that he is “exactly correct,” adding that “you have a food industry concerned about their profits, could care less about the health of the American people.” It sounds like Sanders is still quite critical ( and I would say very incorrectly so ) of RFK Jr’s views on vaccines – (and even flouride!).

   But in any case Senator Sanders, whether you agree with his political views or now, is generally considered to be one of the more sincere and well intentioned of well-known modern American politicians – so hopefully he’ll come around fully – sooner rather than later.

   After the committee vote, the nomination proceeds to the full Senate for a final confirmation vote. 

Bernie - in B&W - 1 .jpg

Step 3 - The Full Senate Vote...


  Depending upon how many democrat and Republican senators still buy the conventional big-pHarma-sponsored narrative about health and medicine - and even more-so how of them are essentially in the pocket of the military-medical-financial-industrial complex - this is where the greatest barriers to RFK's appointment are likely to be encountered.


  In general Republican lawmakers appear much more amenable and in tune with Kennedy's views and activism, and especially so in the case of the great COVID-Era hero Senator Ron Johnson.  but even in with the GOP individuals like Mike Pence oppose RFK Jr's nomination because of his stated views on abortion (and maybe he's still a bit peeved at Trump too..?).


   In the case of the Democrat party there seems to be many more under the sway of Big pHarma - things seem to have gone increasingly this way with concessions that went into making the way clear for Obama's Affordable Care Act.  Once pHarma get's it's claws into one's mind it can be tough to escape...


   I'm sure there's much more prognostications and worthwhile observations that could be offered here - but right now getting the rest of the site operational is the most urgent demand.    But this is the most relevant current topic on RFK Jr's overall journey - so hopefully we'll get things more complete here soon! I hope this at least gives you some of the basics for following the situation in the meantime : )

RFK Jr's Fight for Healthy Water! Riverkeeper & the Waterkeepers Alliance

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